• Question: If you do so many implants would you die? If so how?

    Asked by natrualme to Jemma, John, Lisa, Sam on 31 May 2012.
    • Photo: Lisa Fitzgerald

      Lisa Fitzgerald answered on 31 May 2012:

      Hi @naturalme, you asking some great questions today!

      Any artificial implant whether to replace a joint or an organ, requires an operation and the placement of a non-biological material in the body. Each implantation therefore carries the risk of infection or complication during surgery and the risk of the body rejecting it. So, if you have more implants the risk of complications and possibly death increases, but multiple implants in the body does not necessarily mean you will die.



    • Photo: Jemma Ransom

      Jemma Ransom answered on 31 May 2012:

      Hi @naturalme

      It depends on what you are implanting. If you are replacing a joint or something like this, there is a small chance the body will reject it, but for example my granny has two hip replacements and she’s doing fine! The major risk of implanting an artificial joint is infection due to the surgery which is tackled by the use of antibiotics.

      Would you like to hear about organ transplants?

      These are much more dangerous as your body recognises that they are from someone elses body, and will actively try to reject them. People with organ transplants have to take a whole host of drugs so that their immune system does not attack and destroy the new organ.

      Hope that answers your question
