• Question: Is it possible to have less cromozones from your mum ???

    Asked by charlie98766 to Jemma, John, Lisa, Sam on 28 May 2012.
    • Photo: Lisa Fitzgerald

      Lisa Fitzgerald answered on 28 May 2012:

      Hi @charlie98766, a normal helathy child will be born with 23 chromosomes from their dad and 23 from their mum. Some children will however be born with a chromosomal abnormality and have more or less chromosomes than the normal human. In many cases the extra or missing chromosome could be from either parent, so yes you could have fewer chromosomes from you mum. For instance, Downs syndrome children have 3 copies of chromosome 21 – 2 from 1 parent and 1 from another. Lisa.

    • Photo: Jemma Ransom

      Jemma Ransom answered on 28 May 2012:

      Hi @charlie98766,

      soemtimes when development goes wrong you might end up with less chromosomes, however this result in severe birth defects as explained by @lisa.

