• Question: what is your most favourite subject in science (phisyics chemistry etc.)

    Asked by science1234 to Faye, Martin, Mus, Pete on 26 Apr 2012.
    • Photo: Pete Etchells

      Pete Etchells answered on 26 Apr 2012:

      It definitely has to be… Psychology! I think the human brain is absolutely amazing, and there’s so much that we still don’t know about how it works, and what makes us who we are. Plus, it combines different parts of maths, biology, physics and chemistry (and other things!), so it means I get to do a bit of everything.

      Have you done any Psychology yet?

    • Photo: Faye Didymus

      Faye Didymus answered on 29 Apr 2012:

      My favorite was Biology when I was at school! 🙂 Now my favorite is Psychology 🙂
