• Question: What would you do to live forever?

    Asked by ez3t1524 to Kate, Mark U, Tess, Yue on 30 Apr 2012. This question was also asked by hannnahlou.
    • Photo: Tess Newman

      Tess Newman answered on 30 Apr 2012:

      Hmm.. I’m not entirely sure I would want to live forever.

      Nobody is certain if humans ever could live forever, and nature would probably find a way to prevent it, like plague, as otherwise the world would become very overcrowded. There is one animal however that does kind of live forever…ish. It is known as the immortal jellyfish, and can alternate between its it’s adult, jellyfish-like form, and an immature form by changing its cells. Theoretically it could do this forever, but could also gain a disease, just as would likely happen in the human case.

      Could your mind live forever independently of your body? Or is your mind part of your body? If not, that would be the way to immortality…

    • Photo: Mark Uphill

      Mark Uphill answered on 1 May 2012:

      I would make sure there was something that could reverse the “immortality treatment” if I didn’t like it!
