• Question: when you have a headache or a stomachache,when you take a paracetemol how does it find the source of pain?

    Asked by hughgreer007 to Faye, Martin, Mus, Pete on 24 Apr 2012.
    • Photo: Pete Etchells

      Pete Etchells answered on 24 Apr 2012:

      Great question again, hughgreer007! We’re not exactly sure how paracetamol works, but it’s thought that it affects the brain in general, rather than specific nerve endings. That means that it acts as a general painkiller, rather than knowing where specifically to stop pain, which is why it’s useful for all sorts of aches and pains.

    • Photo: Faye Didymus

      Faye Didymus answered on 24 Apr 2012:

      Hi hughgreer007! Exactly how paracetemol works isn’t clear. But we think it blocks the production of chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals are released in your body in response to illness and injury and cause you to feel pain and fever.

      Some other interesting factos about paracetemol:
      It starts working after 11 minutes!
      It has a half-life of 1-4 hours so this is how long it can help stop you feeling pain!
