• Question: Who's your favourite superhero? Why?

    Asked by hannahdunkerley to David, Jonathan, Pete, Sam on 20 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Pete Etchells

      Pete Etchells answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Hey hannahdunkerley! My fave superhero is definitely Iron Man, for various reasons. I love the fact that he’s not actually ‘super’ – he invents a machine that basically gives him his power, which means that he’s actually pretty much like the rest of us! I also think that he’s got a really interesting flaw, in that the suit that gives him his power is also the thing that’s stopping him from dying (it’s keeping shards of metal from entering his heart). So actually, he’s physically quite a frail person, but one who has used his brilliant mind to make a superhuman suit. Geeky, but cool!

      Who’s your favourite?
