• Question: will time travel ever exist and were would you like to go in history???

    Asked by galkeviciute to David, Jonathan, Pete, Sam on 20 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Pete Etchells

      Pete Etchells answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Great question, galkeviciute! I’m not a physicist, so I don’t really know any more about time travel than you do. I think, though, that it’s probably very unlikely – I guess if it were possible, we might have already seen the effects of it in some way. Although, there are some theories that say that every time someone were to change the course of time, a new, separate universe would be made. So really, we might never know if it’s possible…

      If I could go back in time, though, I’d probably go back and see the dinosaurs, because they’re awesome. What about you?
